Note from Nora: Awake to the signs of Resurrection

by CCP posted Mar 26, 2016


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The United Church of Canada | L'Église Unie du Canada
March 24, 2016

There is a time at the end of winter when the snow is gone—maybe for good, or maybe not—but the grass is still brown and there is no hint of buds on the bare branches of the trees. It is a dull grey time. It is also a time of great promise.
This year in Toronto, that time coincides with Holy Week.
This week many people around the world are engaged, along with United Church members, in the annual rituals of this part of the Christian calendar. At the same time, the world doesn’t slow down, and the events of the world—joyful, horrific, and mundane—continue to unfold. New babies were born. U.S. President Obama visited Cuba. Deadly explosions rocked Brussels. Former Toronto Mayor Rob Ford died. People went grocery shopping. Kids did homework. And millions of other things happened too.
The events of the original Holy Week, the ones we remember through our faith rituals today, also took place in the midst of everything else that was happening in the world that week.
The parade that welcomed Jesus to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday happened in the midst of everything else that was going on in the world that week.
The betrayal of Jesus by one of his friends happened in the midst of everything else that was going on in the world that week.
The crucifixion of Jesus happened in the midst of everything else that was going on in the world that week.
The Resurrection happened in the midst of everything else too.
I sometimes wonder if I had been there in Jerusalem that week, if I would even have been aware of those events that lie at the heart of our faith. I might have been too distracted by all the other things going on in the world, and in my life, that week.
I hope that I am not too distracted by the things going on in today’s world, to be awake to the signs of Resurrection that are here in this place, at this time.
Peace and blessings to each of you through the sorrow and hope and joy of these days.


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