채드 마이어-마가복음연구

by 운영자 posted May 09, 2009


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 수정 삭제
2006년 11월 19일 Heritage Worship Service (오전 10시)
설교 중 Harold Balck 목사께서 소개한
Ched Myers의 [Binding the Strong Man: A Political Reading of Mark's Story of Jesus] (1989)입니다.

체드 마이어는 시간의 반을 성서연구에 반은 사회활동에 할애할 정도로 사회활동을 많이 하시는 분이라고 합니다. 이 책이 현실안에 안주하는 사회 (Complacent Society)을 비평하는 좋은 연구서라 합니다.

아래는 아마존 인터넷 책방에서 마이어의 책에 대한 감상문입니다.
At the end of his preface, Ched Myers writes, "I pray that this study might help Mark to speak, and the reader to have 'ears to hear', the good news that promises yet to overthrow the structures of tion in our world." Although he is nobody's seasoned Greek scholar, the author lives up to his end of the bargain. Myers serves up, in this reading of the earliest gospel, a much-needed focus of radical discipleship -- i.e., Jesus as exemplar of nonviolent resistance to the powers-that-be in his day, and ergo in ours. Myers wrote this groundbreaking work not in the effete ivory tower of liberal intellectualism, but while living in seven intentional faith communities over the course of several years ... and yet, it's a remarkable piece of scholarship. Finally: a serious application of the socio-literary approach to a book of scripture, by an author who beckons us not to worship and adore a tall-steeple bourgeois Jesus, but to follow the itinerant rabbi he really was!


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